Quivers’ diet team ensures Robin eats like a bird

Rush Molloyby Rush & Molloy
Robin Quivers should be perkier than usual on Howard Stern’s show this morning: She got a colonic yesterday. It’s all part of the immersion of Stern’s Sirius sidekick in Dr. Roni DeLuz’s book, ’21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox.’ So far, she’s lost 16 pounds in 12 days. DeLuz and co-author James Hester have actually moved in with Quivers, and it sounds as if it’s harder on them.

‘Robin gets up at 2:45 in the morning, so we all do,’ says Hester. ‘By 3:15, we’re in the car. At 6 a.m., Robin gets her first supplement, a berry drink. At 8 a.m., she gets her green drink; at 10 a.m., a lemon drink. At noon, she gets a juice made of spinach, chard, ginger, collard and cucumber, and at 4 o’clock she gets a puree of broccoli, cauliflower, yams, garlic and spinach.’ Presumably, at 5 o’clock she gets a medal.

Says Hester: ‘Then she rides her bike, and later, we wrap her up in infrared pads and a sheet and she bakes under the blankets for about an hour and she’s asleep by 7 p.m.’

P.S.: The colonic was given by Yoko Ono ‘s assistant-turned-colon-cleanser Philomena, who was probably inspired to go into her new line of work by working for the lovely, the talented, Ono.

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